Dirty board marble game rules

Each player rolls the die. Play passes to the left. How to Play Aggravation To start your turn, roll the die once and try to move a marble. Anytime you roll a 6, you can take an extra turn.

See Figure 1. You can "start" a marble only on a die roll of 1 or 6. Moving Your Marbles Once a marble has been "started," it moves clockwise along the game path holes the number shown on your die roll. Count each hole, whether it is empty or occupied by an opponent. You can jump over or land on an opponent's marble See "Getting Aggravated" for details , however, you cannot jump over or land on your own marbles. If one of your own marbles is keeping you from moving another marble the full count on the die, then you cannot move that "blocked" marble.

Getting Aggravated If an opponent lands on one of your marbles by exact count, your marble is "aggravated" and must immediately return to your BASE row. Your opponent's marble then occupies the hole you gave up. Simply "aggravate" your opponent's marble and send it back to its BASE. Shortcuts in Aggravation Shortcuts are optional. They're great because they shorten the time it takes to move around the board.

But be careful! Short Cut: If you land on a spot on the circle, you may then go around the circle. You must end your move on the circle. If you are in your start spot you may use a Queen to get on and go around the circle. You must play a card if possible, even if you must send your partner back to their waiting area.

If you cannot play, then discard one card per round. Cart 0. Deal 5 cards per player. Play: The player to the left of the dealer starts the play. Value of the Cards: Ace: Come out or move one space forward. After your turn has ended, play moves to the next player who can try to move marbles from the starting area. Move around the board by playing cards, but note that not all cards help you move forward.

Move the number of spaces listed on cards with a value of two to six, nine and ten. If you play a seven you can move one marble seven spaces or split the move between two marbles in play. Play an eight and you can move backwards eight spaces. Face cards are each worth ten spaces, but an Ace is only worth one space when used on a marble already in play. Play a Joker to move any marble you own from the starting position to the position of another marble on the board.

If you take an opponent's marble's space that marble goes back to his starting space while switching with your own marble will send it to the start of your Home space. Move your colored marbles into the Home spaces, starting with your first marble reaching the farthest space in the Home and the last marble reaching the last space.

You must land on your home spaces using an exact move with your cards.


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