Of course, Bombay eventually returned to hockey though not exactly as he did in the movies, and as the series was renewed for a second season, fans can expect more of Gordon Bombay in the near future. Whether future Mighty Ducks material will go back to that darker side of Bombay or not is unknown, but fans can imagine what the franchise would have been like had the original plan been kept. Adrienne Tyler is a features writer for Screen Rant.
She is an Audiovisual Communication graduate who wanted to be a filmmaker, but life had other plans and it turned out great. Adrienne is very into films and she enjoys a bit of everything: from superhero films to heartbreaking dramas, to low-budget horror films. SnoopyStyle 31 August Most of the team is back with a few new players. Some of them are really ridiculous. This time the big bad guys are from Iceland coached by an old nemesis. Everything is going well, until Gordon loses his way with all the hype.
But the movie is lost way before that. The genuine joy and underdog feel is missing in this. The characters aren't given much chance to develop further. Adding silly players with weird characteristics just dilute the product. Gordon actually said in this movie, "This isn't a hockey game. It's a circus. This movie is as ridiculous as a circus breaking out of a hockey game. Gordon Bombay is forced to withdraw from the minor hockey league with a knee injury. With most of the Ducks and a few new players in tow, he sets forth for LA.
When you have a sequel, you have to make it bigger and better. This film is possibly bigger, because now the kids are playing in some sort of Olympic-like setting against a team from Iceland. So the pressure is much greater. But is it better? Not really. It's rather flat with no plot development, character development or surprises. Fans of the first film might like this, especially because it will allow them to just relax for 90 minutes and not have to invest themselves.
It's a good movie to play in the background. Also, Leah Lail is in it. D2 was a spectacle. I don't mean as in a visually striking performance, but as in an unusual or unexpected event that attracts attention or disapproval. Like a drunk hobo yelling at motorists. From beginning to end this movie was determined to bring itself lower and lower. We can begin with the fact that the plot was virtually the same as the first episode.
Again, Coach Bombay has to hone the skills of these newcomers, again he has to deal with a bully of an opponent who is way over the top, again he is ostracized by his team, and again he has to apologize and beg to be let back in their good graces. It was a rerun with a few different characters.
The movie started off Cumbaya enough. Bombay accepted the offer, gathered most of his old Ducks team along with the new recruits, and quickly made them a good cohesive team. The first sign of problems came when Bombay was seen dating the trainer for the hated Iceland team. As if dating a beautiful woman who happens to be the team trainer of an opponent makes you disloyal. It was juvenile logic at its finest.
It was a drubbing. Bombay reacted coldly by forcing the kids to practice longer and harder thereby earning him the nickname "Coach Blood. The very notion that a sponsor would drop sponsorship or drop a coach due to one loss is incredibly absurd. Even the best teams lose! And what sponsor would make being undefeated a condition of sponsorship?
Could you imagine Nike telling Michael Jordan, "We'll pay you to endorse our product so long as you don't lose. After all, they still have to play Team Iceland again in the finals. Once they got to the finals to play Team Iceland for the second time I would say that they weren't even playing hockey.
At one point one of the players brought a lasso onto the ice. That brings to mind so many questions. Excuse me, but you are playing for Team USA aren't you? You think it's better to abandon red, white, and blue in favor of a duck when representing America? This movie was a farce. A totally nonsensical array of scenes and dialogue with something resembling ice hockey in between. You can miss me with this one.
StevePulaski 22 November Rarely does a movie character sum up his movie so well. Here's a movie sequel that continues to beat a dead horse into the ground by offering the public a sequel to a Disney movie that can only be liked by reciting the word "nostalgia" or "nostalgic. Emilio Estevez, still portraying the greatly motivated man driven on the idea of success, reprises his role as Gordon Bombay, who the opening credits show us has gone on to be a minor league hockey player being seriously considered for his first NHL appearance until he injured during a breakneck game.
Now, Bombay's chances are done and he talks to a close friend about making money, until opportunity knocks when the idea of him coaching Team U. Bombay quickly signs a suit's contract, bands the Ducks together again, and they quickly rustle up the skills and the motivation to win at this year's event and show audiences that Ducks stick together.
Need I go further? Should I mention that the kids are now teenagers, yet are still as brazen and as goofy as they were in the first film? Should I go on to mention that Bombay becomes too consumed with coaching a more honored and admired team, and lets all the pressure gets to his head to the point where he is scolding and yelling at his players? Ned I mention that this newfound consumption on Bombay's part has greatly upset a number of players, fueling Ducks-heckler Russ Tyler Kenan Thompson to aggravate the players?
And do I even need to mention that in the third act the Ducks will discover Tyler's surefire knucklepuck and graciously adopt him to the team? One can also make note of the never-ending barrage of one-liners the film haphazardly includes in order to sound hip, motivating, and high-spirited. When one of the only girl players is called a "lady," she forcefully replies, "I'm no lady, I'm a duck! This is kids sports movie-making , although it's not harmful as much as it is non-beneficial to any of its viewers.
It provides sweet, genial escapist delight and I believe that's what a number of Disney-movie fans seek, which in that case, renders D2: The Mighty Ducks a success according to them. I guess you can also say I'm getting tired of hearing "We are the Champions" at the end of the picture further capitalizing on "the in-game spirit.
Directed by: Sam Weisman. Now, obviously, I haven't had the opportunity to see The Might Ducks, you know, the first one? But my friend only had the second and the third, so I'm watching those first and hopefully I didn't have to see the first one to understand the second.
But I got the story just fine, not to mention, after reading the summary of The Mighty Ducks, I get the point of the movie. Basically, Gordon now has the chance to coach his Mighty Ducks again, only this time, they are Team U. They are fighting against the best Pee-Wee hockey teams in the world, including the very nasty, plays against the rules, Iceland Team. Now, if you've seen The Karate Kid, you get where this is going. Of course, Gordon changes and wants to win instead of have fun, leading the team into stress, and again, if you've seen Rocky, you get the point.
See what I mean by how predictable it was? Not to mention how many inspirational speeches there were, I was getting a toothache from how many there were, they were so sweet, it was unbearable. But I thought that it was a fun family film that the kids would definitely get a kick out of.
As silly as it was, it is a good film for the kids, for morals, you know? Ugly Ducklings. Sequel to the surprise hit of is yet another typical under-dog or maybe under-duck tale that is arguably everything theatrically except original. Emilio Estevez' minor league hockey career comes to a quick close due to injury and he is recruited to coach the U. Naturally we have all the annoying kids back from the original and even a few more are added to the duck stew. The bad guys this time are those cold kids from Iceland no pun intended.
Yawning mess that fans of its predecessor are sure to fly away with, but the rest of us will suffer as usual. Could have been called "The Bad News Ducks" for more than one reason. Numberis6 27 March D2TMD movie does not have the same charm as the first. Still a good movie though.
It's the Sequel to Mighty Ducks. My favourite moment is when they play street hockey. Where is Iceland anyways?
The children have great chemistry with each other. Each character is unique and have personality. Although Brandon Quintin Adams character disappears then shows up then disappears. The kid had talent however, his imdb resume say otherwise. Overall a good movie, still not better than the original. As the filming would span over several days, the production team was aware that the crowd would not be as consistent.
To accommodate the dwindling crowd, cardboard stand-ups were brought in and moved around to fill-in shots. The film received negative reviews. This unctuous barrage of flag-waving, message-mongering, counterfeit morality, which contains the stalest kiddie-team heroics in recent memory, makes the original, innocuous 'Ducks' look like one of the Great Works.
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