Mar Feb View the discussion thread. Training and Re-certification Fees A registration fee is charged for the initial commercial applicator training session and for the commercial applicator recertification training session. There is no application fee for government employees. Commercial licenses are only valid for the balance of the year in which the license was obtained plus 24 months and expire on January 31st.
These credit hours must be validated with an agenda and proof of attendance. The WDA determines if the coursework applies toward recertification. An applicator business is a registration, not a license. Each motor vehicle used by any applicator business that makes applications in the subcategory landscape maintenance of the lawn and ornamental pest control license use category, category 3 A will prominently affix an applicator business vehicle identification decal issued and provided by the department on each motor vehicle used by an employee of the applicator business.
Decals can be picked up at any TDA regional office. This is the same vendor that administers exams for structural pest control licensing. PSI has been providing credentialing and testing services to state and federal agencies, private sector businesses and professional associations for over 65 years. PSI will provide both excellent quality exam opportunities and a convenient schedule for pesticide applicators to test in 22 locations across the state. The schedule will provide more testing opportunities than previously offered.
You are required to take and pass the General Standards and at least one category exam to be issued a license. The aerial certification category 9 does not count as a category. Complete step-by-step procedures to obtain a commercial, noncommercial or noncommercial political subdivision pesticide applicator license.
Certified Public Operators are defined by the Missouri Pesticide Use Act as: Any individual who is certified by the director as authorized to use, or to supervise the use of, any pesticide which is classified for restricted use in the performance of their duties as an official or employee of any agency of the state of Missouri or any political subdivision thereof, or any other governmental agency.
To become certified as one of the above applicators or operators, the applicant is required to pass the state pesticide certification examinations. The applicant is required to pass the General Standards of Competence CORE examination and at least one of the category examinations listed below.
The applicant should choose the category exam s based on their area of expertise.