Search this site. Series By Michael J. McAfee, John P. Western historical fiction, essays, and baseball stories round out a pleasing read that you are sure to enjoy.
By Lowell "Zeke"Ziemann. Vernon Arnold. Tougias, Casey Sherman. By Katie Kirk. Fun with Numbers By Thomas K. Fauna Discovery Book Flora N. Frank Baum. No Problem! By Mark Twain. Douglas Fisher, Joann H. By Wendy Woods. J Sautter. All 'English Language Arts'. Creative Writing. Informational Text. Other ELA. Social Studies - History. All 'Social Studies - History'. For All Subject Areas. Shows resources that can work for all subject areas. Prices Free. On Sale.
Resource Types Independent Work Packet. Lesson Plans Individual. Math Centers. Literacy Center Ideas. See All Resource Types. Cultural Activities. Fun Stuff. Graphic Organizers. Novel Study. Study Guides. Don't see what you looking for? Some filters moved to Formats filters, which is at the top of the page. All Resource Types. Results for cajun night before christmas 20 results. Sort: Relevance. Cajun Night Before Christmas. This is a series of informational texts with information gathered from a variety of sources and combined into a series of paragraphs to explain terms that the students may not know such as bayou and cajun.
English Language Arts , Informational Text. Show more details. Wish List. Celebrate Christmas Louisiana style with this Cajun inspired picture frame. Students make the frame their own by coloring and adding a photograph or illustration of themselves celebrating the unique culture of Louisiana. Activities , Fun Stuff , Printables. Literature , Reading. Graphic Organizers , Printables. This set can be paired with the cute, cajun version on 'Twas the Night Before Christmas.
The set provides a great way to incorporate the holidays with literacy instruction through the use of graphic organizers and fun activities.
There's also a super cute version of the book being read on youtube! Some slight changes have been made to make it a little easier for students to read and understand the dialect. There are nine parts in the cast. Cultural Activities , Fun Stuff , Scripts. Fun Stuff , Games , Printables. Word Document File. Before reading the story, The Cajun Night Before Christmas, introduce your students to some of the dialect with this matching activity.
Literature , Reading , Vocabulary. Printables , Study Guides. Engage students in this Cajun vocabulary matching game that includes words from the text titled Cajun Night Before Christmas by "Trosclair".
Activities , Games , Handouts. Celebrate Christmas Louisiana style with this Cajun inspired Acrostic poem activity designed to be used with the book titled Cajun Night Before Christmas by "Trosclair".
Activities , Printables. Celebrate the culture of Louisiana with this kid friendly and fun word search for the text titled Cajun Night Before Christmas. Fun Stuff , Printables. This activity or assessment is aligned with the skills learned through the EL curriculum for first grade. Celebrate the holiday season and the culture of Louisiana with this fun Christmas Concentration game.
Simply print 2 copies of each page onto cardstock, laminate, and place into a plastic baggie. Student Directions: Lay the cards face down.
Take turns with a friend turning over 2 pieces. When a playe. Activities , Fun Stuff , Games.