Or maybe the key is in some "magic" readme in the cd? I don't like craking games, but I think that it is right if I try to get back what's mine, so could you help me? Nevermind, I found that! Behind the fucking bed! I love it when problems get fixed before I even have a chance to reply. Hopefully the rest of the process will go smoothly. This is my problem I would love to play DayZ on singleplayer, because I don't know the map and would love to know all of it.
Please help, and thanks. The 'scope' and 'counterattack' errors are because the game isn't picking up on the ArmA 2 content. The easy way to fix that is to copy the "Addons" folder from your ArmA 2 program folder and paste it into your Operation Arrowhead folder. The second error usually appears because your shortcut is incorrect or the files are in the wrong place. It's complaining about Chernarus which is included with ArmA 2, so it will probably be fixed by copying the Addons folder.
If it isn't, check these steps: 1. Take the files from the single player RAR and put them in the same place, over-writing some files as you do so 4. If it doesn't match, you'll get that error. Hello I've been having issues with DayZ ever since I've had it yes I've been able to play but its been how do i put this? Strange i guess. I can't zero on any guns even if they have zeroing, many of the GUI features i guess don't work, some do but a lot don't. I can't view the vehicle Health I guess you would put it, the vehicle damage, etc.
Now that's how to leave a comment. Pay attention all you people who type stuff like "It don't work. But I think perhaps the problem is related to Operation Arrowhead. Although one would assume the version on Bohemia's website to be the latest, fully-updated version, it just isn't. I don't know why Bohemia don't have the latest version on their own site when they manage to do it on Steam, but that just seems to be how it is. I would suggest downloading the 1. OA introduced many new features to ArmA and some of those weren't present when it was released but were added in later updates.
The beta patch isn't part of the normal update chain and isn't cumulative ie it doesn't contain earlier updates. Maddeningly, the beta patch will happily allow you to install it into an out-of-date version of OA without complaint. So if I were you, I'd try installing the update and see where it gets you. There is a chance that the installer will complain that the game is a later version that's the damn beta patch interfering and won't allow the update to be installed.
If that happens and there's a strong possibility that it might then rather annoyingly, you're going to need to uninstall OA, then install it, run the update, run OA once, then install the beta patch.
I realise this is all a bit tedious and frustrating, but it's the best way to proceed. If that doesn't help, let me know and I'll see what I can do to help. If the worst comes to the worst, I can install it for you via Teamviewer. I've installed the game hundreds of times now and I've never yet failed to get it working. Thanks again for providing all that information. That's exactly what's needed to make my life a whole lot easier! I've done everything you said uninstalling OA, ran the update, ran OA once, and then installed the beta patch.
The only type of servers i can eve get on is Takistan Life, and i still get on all of them It says I am missing files. I can't get on DayZ or Wasteland, because it says I am missing files. Since it said i was missing files, I installed the mods on Playwithsix, but it still didn't work.
At the menu of OA under expansions I can see the mods there, and even if i mess with it enabling, etc, I still cannot join the servers, no clue what to do here, thanks for the progress so far. Thanks for doing all that; reinstalling isn't much fun. This is all very curious. Takistan Life servers don't require any mod files. All they need is a mission file which they will automatically download when you join.
All the core Takistan files are included with OA so you shouldn't have any problems getting on them. I don't recommend using Six because it stores the mod files in an unusual place. I would recommend that you try DayZ Commander as that places the files in the standard location and it automates the process of joining a server you choose a server through DayZ Commander and it starts the game and joins the server for you.
In which case, I would suggest that we use Teamviewer so that I can look at your setup directly if you're okay with a complete stranger from the internet connecting to your computer. So, try DayZ Commander and see if you have any luck with that and then get back to me. Sorry it has taken a while for me to respond but yes that worked great, and after that all the mods I wanted to install I just moved into the same area and they work fine.
Thanks for the help! Hello Kodabar,I'm Debeu derbedeu. At the step 7 I dont understand. First time i tried with "option C" but dont succeed,so i tried with Dayz Commander but I dont understand nothing.
All I want to speak you is, if you could help me through team viewer to fix the game? I want very much to play this game. What is your native language? I speak a few languages. Sorry for my ignorance but as i understand it is mandatory you have Operation arrowhead no matter if you are using arma 2 free, or a purchased arma 2, correct?
Technically, it is possible to play without paying for it. But you have to use a pirate versions and you can only play on servers that advertise themselves as "No CD-Key" which rather limits your options. And they don't tend to be the most reliable or permanent servers. DayZ Commander only supports a limited number of mods. I've installed Invasion before using Six Launcher.
Sorry for the late reply, I've been running a music festival for the last eight days and I'm exhausted. I would say that was unlikely. If RAM or a graphics card had burnt out, they would most likely stop working completely or at least crash in a very random matter.
Dust builds up on PC components over time and causes them to overheat. When they get too hot, performance is reduced and could result in problems like you're having.
Hey, when I try to install the beta Patch, even as an administrator, it skill comes up with the "wrong CD Key" error. I bought the combined operations from steam two days ago. If so thanks. So now when you go to install the beta patch, it has tow failure points. So if your CD key is actually missing, you'll get the same error twice. When you install the beta patch, look carefully at the title bar of the error message.
If that doesn't help, let me know and I'll talk you through the process of forcing the CD key data into the registry. Good, good. Or rather good, bad. Lagging, eh? That doesn't sound right. Can you tell me a bit more about your installation? You got the game from Steam, so it'll be up to date. And you've got the beta patch in there now, so that's fine.
That leaves two likely avenues. Did you start with the latest version of DayZ? And what does your shortcut look like? I got it from steam so i thought i didnt need one.
I was asking which version of DayZ you had installed and used for this. If you've installed it via Steam, chances are you don't know and there's no easy way to tell. So never mind. Do you get any error messages? What do they say? Whoops, I've fallen behind. Right, so you've reinstalled it. What addon does it say you need? You won't need one, but the error message is indicative of what's wrong. I'm going to guess that let Steam install it.
I suggest that you use DayZ Commander to install it for you. DayZ Commander will make it easy to keep the thing up to date and it makes it a shitload easier to join servers. Go here. Get it. Install it. Use it to reinstall DayZ. Use it to choose a server.
What it does is turn on or off various elements of UI. For instance, on 'recruit' anything that you can see or can potentially see is marked by a white dot in your vision, you can see your position on the map, pointing your gun at other players will show a tag with their name and a few other things. As you step up the difficulty level, some of these things are turned off. But the difficulty setting makes no difference to the number of zombies, how hard they hit you, what damage bullets do, etc.
The other thing to mention is that there are a lot of servers. A year ago, there were only official servers and they all had the Chernarus map. Now there are metric fucktons of servers out there and some of them are running maps other than Chernarus you need to download the map files for those in order to be able to play on them - they are not included with the game and there are plenty of heavily modified servers as well they've changed the amount of vehicles, altered your starting kit, etc.
With DayZ Commander, you can tell it only to show servers that will work with the files you've got. You can even tell it only to show official servers. Official sometimes called public hive servers all connect to the same database which stores your location and inventory.
You can play on any official server and you'll be in the same location and with the same stuff. Anything other than an official server a private hive server has its own database and does not share location and inventory data with any other server - when you connect to one of those servers, you start from scratch. If you don't have the exact files that a server expects, it won't let you join.
DayZ Commander simplifies all this so you don't waste time trying to join servers that won't let you in. Also, any tips for finding servers closer so my ping is lower?
With 6 gig you ought to be fine. DayZ and ArmA only use a couple of gig at most. I presume you've made sure that your 3D resolution matches your interface resolution. I don't know why the game defaults to two different values, but it does.
On some graphics cards it barely makes a difference but on others, it introduces significant lag. I also very much recommend setting post-processing to 'disabled'. The post-processing motion blur, light bloom, etc can really bog down a graphics card not to mention making it harder to see.
The biggest drain is draw distance. Somewhat unusually, ArmA allows servers to impose graphics settings and usually the draw distance setting called 'visibility' in the settings is enforced, but setting it to is my suggestion. You're never likely to need to see any further than that. So a weaker processor with a stronger graphics card won't be as effective as on many other games.
Take a good look at your graphics settings. There are some weird options in there and some of them aren't as intuitive as they seem eg the 'video memory' setting should be on 'normal' - setting it to anything else will produce unpredictable results.
We also have a single player mod for DayZ. If you can't get your game to run without lag, try that. It actually places a little more strain on your CPU than online because it has to simulate some server functions. If it runs fine in single player, then it will run fine online. This is unusual in that servers for most games have little effect on on framerate, but DayZ servers very much do. The way that zombies and loot are generated needs regular reboots to free up the resources of the server.
If a server is not rebooted often and has too many extra scripts and features running, it will slow down and lag the connection and drop your framerate. I use DayZ Commander to join servers. You can use it to rank servers by ping.
From there, I choose a server with a low-ish ping although ping doesn't have so much effect with DayZ actually. I'll aim for a server with a ping of 30 I'm in a small country town without fibre optic , but I'll play on servers up to ping.
And I'll try several servers before selecting the one I'll play on. I tend to avoid servers that promise things like vehicles and masses of extra features.
Generally a lot of that is a lie. It's almost impossible to run a server with vehicles as you need to add the vehicle spawns yourself and it massively increases the CPU load for little benefit. Once I find a server I like and that generally means one that works well for my friends too , I'll add it to my favourites list in DayZ Commander. Okay, I did all that but it's still like I'm walking in slow motion.
This is really bumming me out. I'm trying to get the single player form, but I got Arma Combined ops from steam so I didn't have anything to do with the addons. Sorry for the delay, I've been a bit busy with work. Has your framerate improved? What kind of computer are you using?
I cant find guns and every time I move it gets slightly blurry, and I'm traveling so slow that im literally starving. I know, you gotta have a life :P. If it blurs when you're moving, I think post-processing is still on. In the box that appears, press the "Advanced" button in the bottom left, then look for "Postprocess Effects" over on the right and set it to "disabled".
Be sure to hit "OK" afterwards, so it'll take. Thank you so much for your help. I dont have a Arma OA is there any way for me to get it for free? Does a pirated version be suitable for DayZ? There is no way to play DayZ without OA. Actually, that's not quite true. There are some servers out there that don't perform the CD Key check, so you can play on them with a pirate copy.
Install as above, run the game, select multiplayer and click the "Filter" button at the bottom of the screen. In the "Host" box, enter "no CD" or something similar and you should be able to find servers to play on.
I don't offer any support for this and I've never done it. We do also offer a single player version which I'm told can be played with a pirate version. Hello my friend , first i wanna thank you for all this turtioal , its help me a lot big up for this but i got 1 problem , game is working fine , but on evry server i dont see the items , im running from bulding to another bulding and dont see any weapons , food anythink , is my game is crash or its servers?
That's an unusual error. The items are spawned by the server, so they're the same for everyone. When a server has been running for some hours, it will get slower and background operations like item spawning will be delayed.
The solution is for the server to be restarted. Obviously, you can't restart the server. What you can do is visit a building, go inside, then leave and come back in a few minutes. If the items have appeared, then it's because the server is running slowly and needs to be restarted. Official servers are often better run than private hive servers.
DayZ Commander has an option to only list official servers. Maybe try that. I've never heard of anyone having this problem on every server.
I'm afraid I have bad news - it's not going to work. The error message about shaders not being supported means just that; your graphics hardware doesn't support the shader mode that the game requires so it can't display anything.
I've run DayZ on a 3GHz Core 2 Duo a dual core system with an Nvidia graphics card about 30 bucks new these days and it's run okay. On anything less than that, it's not going to run very well. So you at least need to use a better graphics card than you've got. Hello Kodabar, I was wondering if the opposite could be also work. Full steam version of arma2 and the demo version of Arma2:OA And be able to play DayZ.
Thank you for your time in responding. I'm afraid not. DayZ uses the game engine and a lot of the content from Operation Arrowhead. By contrast, it only uses the Chernarus level files and a few objects from ArmA 2. Technically you don't even need ArmA 2, just the Addons folder from it. But you absolutely have to have OA. Thank you for the Quick response. I am glad I found this blog. Hey, Kodabar Hate to bother you, but I'm cracked I've been trying to make this thing work for about month, installing and reinstalling in different modes and ways I went through all these steps of yours nicely written btw.
Game is launching via shortcut, everything seems to be ok. Server brouser shows me about 30 servers which aren't marked with red cross. If I enter any of those 30 I can't get through 'cause of 'connection failed' window. Others are not even available. I'm going crazy with this thing Hope you'll help me out Senserely yours, JP.
Dear Lord Both nosteam. I'm afraid I'm having computer problems just now. I'm having to wait for new parts to be delivered probably on Tuesday. I'll get back to you then and help you to get this working. Sorry for the delay.
I had the same problem, and followed this. Hi I have been having a problem connecting to servers-I can get into the lobby ok, but when I press join and the files download it jumps back to the lobby saying that I cannot play because a I am missing a mission it is not chernerus, but I cannot read it as the game crashes afterwards and another error message comes up.
Admittedly I am using Ubuntu It doesn't matter if you can't help, but any information is welcome. If necessary I may be able to get the error messages but it will take a little while. Also, if you need my system specs for any reason I should be able to give them. Thanks again for the great guide, Callum. I'm very sorry for the delay in responding to your question.
I've been working at a German Christmas market, so I just haven't been around. You've certainly got an interesting problem. I haven't actually tried running the game under Linux myself, but I have in the past talked to other people who have.
With a bit of fiddling around, they've got it to work. I've got an Ubuntu installation myself, so I'll have a look to see what the pitfalls could be. If it's not too much bother, I was wondering if I could ask you to email me? With me being a bit busy at the moment, it's hard to keep on top of things, so an email kodabarATgmailDOTcom would help me keep track of what I need to answer. Sorry, but you can't use the OA demo.
You need the full version of OA and there's no way around that. Hey Kodabar, I'm not here to ask for help. I would just like to say that I couldn't have installed DayZ without your guide. Thank you. Hello there, I'm here to thank you for all your support. I have spoken with you before and I only want to ask you on which server are you playing.
It would be awesome if we would team up and survive I've buyed ArmA 2: combined operation as I told you before and the only thing missing now is a better system to play on. THanks for the tutorial :P Had some trouble installing.. Good luck. BTW I'm superblox02 from the forum. Yep, that's a good tip. I just tell people to copy the addons folder because it's easy for them to understand. Technically, you don't even need ArmA 2 installed, you just need its Addons folder which is what I've done for myself.
That's a good point. I ought ot update this article to reflect that fact. I'll do that over the weekend. The problem with providing links to ArmA 2 Free is that you also need to generate a CD key which is no longer possible. So no luck there. I have no Idea what the issue could be. Plz help.
When I start the game i get "Arma 2OA has stopped working" I tried anything I could find googling and youtoubing and nothing works! Can you please help me? I'm using Win 8 and Steam version of the game if that's relevant. Yikes, that's not good. This doesn't point to a particular error, so it's difficult to say what is wrong. First things first. Try verifying the game cache under Steam.
Go to your Steam game library. In the box that appears, click the tab on the top marked "Local Files" 4. Click the button marked "Verify integrity of game cache" It takes a while to check all the files and it will say that it needs to download at least one file when it's finished.
Hopefully it'll find a problem with more than one file. Let me know how you get on. Hopefully this will sort it. Otherwise you'll need to have a look through log files and that sucks. Well I'm jolly glad to hear you got it all working. I'm sorry you've had such travails. From the steps you've taken and what worked, it seems like the registry information was corrupted. I'm not sure why that would cause the crashes that it did, but you've fixed it and that's all that matters.
I did everything you said, twice. Ran it via steam and via Dayz Commander. None of the servers load and it swears that it can't find one of my game directories. So that leaves me saving up for the standalone, as I don't care for the Arma 2 singleplayer.
Well the first thing that has me perplexed is that you were able to get hold of ArmA 2 Free. It's been discontinued and they're no longer Forget that. You need to run ArmA 2 for it to register various things like the CD key and game directories. Give that a go. Otherwise, you don't even really need ArmA 2 installed. What you need is the "Addons" folder from ArmA 2.
Go into your ArmA 2 program folder. Find the "Addons" folder and right click and 'copy' it. Go into your Operation Arrowhead program folder and paste that Addons folder into there. ArmA 2 is needed because it contains the Chernarus land files. But they're all in that Addons folder, so that's really all you need. I've just fired up an installation of ArmA 2 Free and Operation Arrowhead and was able to join servers just fine. So this does still work. If you do get completely stuck, drop me an email kodabarATgmailDOTcom and I'll send you a set of files that definitely works.
Heya i Know its a bit outdated but does it work with 1. It will work, but not all the features will work. When we made this, we made it to be as compatible as possible for as long as possible previous attempts required an update every time DayZ was updated. But for some features, such as base-building, we couldn't anticipate them so they don't work.
In short, it still works and every feature that matters works just fine. But a couple of minor ones don't. And when i run only with arma 2 oa it says addon chernaus is misisng. Here you go. Addons folder. Please man, I need your help. The problem is at DayZ level. First there are no server available, so I want to create my own server to play alone, but while I create a new one, I got a loading screen which never ends. It stuck on loading screen and nothing more. Please I need your knowledge about the problem.
I only want to play DayZ alone. Okay, there's a couple of things that need to be said before we begin. You will have a hard job creating a DayZ server. The mod files are not the same as those used on servers and a server also needs to be running an SQL database - which is not a trivial thing to set up. So I don't think you're going to get it running. On the other hand, a few people and I created a single player version of the DayZ mod some time ago.
It does everything you want and even has AI units in it to replace players, so it's even better than being on a server on your own. There are three things inside DaiZy a folder Missions a folder Launch options. Go to your Steam library 2. Find Operation Arrowhead and right click on it, selecting Properties 3.
In the box that opens, on the 'General' tab the first one by default look for the button marked 'Launch options' and click it 4. In the box that appears, paste the line from the text file 5. OK everything 6. Launch the game from your Steam library If you're not using Steam 1.
Go to your Operation Arrowhead folder 2. Find the game exe arma2oa. Right click it and select 'Create shortcut' 4. Right click the shortcut you've just created and select 'Properties' 5. Look for the 'Target' line. Recommended Posts. JackPearce95 Posted June 24, edited. If so what version? Please provide screenshots if possible: "no entry. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites. Posted June 26, Anyone know anyhting?
Posted July 6, Posted July 11, edited. Edited July 11, by JackPearce Remix DayZ Posted July 11, Hi, Please provide some additional information. Makedonski12 0. Forced update in Six Launcher. Worked for me. Posted July 12, Lok0 0.
Posted July 12, edited. I have same issue. I made sure to download framework 4. Here are my specs, let me know if I should provide anything else to help trouble shoot this. Everything worked fine. However when DayZ is installed the above errors occur. So I deleted the mod all together with all the issues they are having. It's all still pretty strange though, especially since prior to the update everything including DayZ was functioning properly. I have the same issue with , once again resolved by deleting the DayZ folder.
So far I have only the conclusion that is the issue. I have steam installed but have never used it, literally. I only downloaded it to see if Day of Defeat was still around. In my library it shows no games and I have not used it for multiplayer or any other possible function with ARMA 2. I did use steam to update my video card driver. I use a virgin game, no mods. I will provide a timeline of what happened and the steps I took to work through it.
This only started happening when I downloaded the DayZ mod. However through trouble shooting I have realized it is the beta that seems to be the culprit. I know they are having huge issues right now, but my problem seems to be due to the ARMA 2 beta version and irrelevant to other solutions for people that have experienced the same error codes.