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Highly recommend this excellent course!! Unlike a few other physics courses, this one is easily understandable and i still paraphrase parts of it 8 years later. Wolfson tackles tough subjects and make physics easier to understand.
He goes at a rapid pace but uses demonstrations that really help. The lectures have been thought out well and add a little fun to the understanding.
This is not an audio course as the demonstrations are important to understand the concepts he is teaching. The professor's presentation is awful in my view : way too rushed - like his main focus is to get thru the material in a certain time frame rather than make it comprehensible.
The pdf guidebook is a saving grace, and I'd suggest reading the chapters prior to watching the presentations. A little dated, but the principles of basic physics don't really change. One of the 'new' technologies mentioned in the first two lectures was DVD technology. The teacher is very fast-talking so it's a little hard to keep up, but he says that he will mention some of the concepts in more detail in the future modules in the course. I wish I would have had this presented to me at high school before taking all the advanced classes in physics, thermo, etc.
Professor Wolfson does an outstanding job of making the material understandable and alive with his presentation and prop usage.
GREAT job!!!! Thank you for your questions. We don't sell the Guidebook separately, but we do sell a Transcript book, which contains all of the information from the Guidebook plus the word-for-word written form of the lectures.
To order, please call our Customer Contact Center at Thank you for your question. I apologize for the confusion. I will ask that it be added in the "What's Included" tab. Actually, that is not correct. The PDF of the guidebook is included with the course when you purchase the video download version of the course. It will be available with the course in your digital library.
Since the course does not have a digital component, a digital copy of the course guidebook is not available. After each lecture there are about 2 "Questions to Consider," these questions are designed for you to answer on your own after watching the lecture. The guidebook does not have answers to the questions, however, Professor Wolfson discusses the answers in the lectures.
Physics in Your Life teaches you the basics of physics by helping you understand how everyday things work, along with the physics concepts behind them. In Einstein's relativity and the Quantum Revolution: Modern Physics for Non-Scientists, 2nd Edition, you will learn the basic ideas behind the theory of relativity and quantum physics, with no special background in math or science needed. Although, we do not have a prerequisite for either of the courses it may be beneficial to start with Physics in Your Life.
The course would be an excellent introduction to the field of physics for a student of high school age. At this time, I am not aware of a planned revision of this course. I have forwarded a feedback suggestion to our production team.
Impossible: Physics beyond the Edge. Mathematics, Philosophy, and the "Real World". Understanding Modern Electronics. The Great Questions of Philosophy and Physics.
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Professor, Middlebury College. Course No. Choose a Format Instant Video. Add to Cart Choose a format in order to add this course to your cart. Add to Wishlist Please choose a format in order to add this course to your Wish List. Richard Wolfson, Ph. Physics explains the workings of the universe at the deepest level, the everyday natural phenomena that are all around us, and the technologies that enable modern society.
It's an essential liberal art. Why does a curve ball curve? Why does ice float? What's the perfect way to cook egg custard? Why don't your legs break when you jump off a chair? What keeps a moving bicycle from falling over? These questions involve physical principles that relate Professor Richard Wolfson introduces the field of physics and describes the fundamental role it plays in our lives. He discusses the difference between classical and modern physics and outlines the course scope.
This lecture uses compact discs and DVDs as metaphors for the whole realm of physics, especially for the phenomena of light and sound. Most of our contact with and knowledge about the world comes from waves. Every year the selection Criteria of the ISSB test are changed so you need to focus on staying up to date with the latest news. ISSB Interview is simply a test like other tests but the difference is that in that test the interviewer just judges the personality trait of the candidates.
In that test questions are asked to you about your personal life, Your surroundings, General Knowledge Questions, Mathematical Formulas hence the ISSB Interview session is divided into different categories and each category with brief details is discussed here on this page.
One should have fully prepared for the different questions about their own personal life and the interviewing officer will put some stress on you regarding your personal life and personal life quest.
The academic career of each candidate explains a lot to the interviewing officer so that is why here you do have to face some difficulties if you have any kind of ambiguity. Looked at in another way, you could say that we exist in what could be considered to be an "infinite" field of quantum energy soup, just as an individual drop of water exists independently yet at the same time "collectively" within the ocean.
You could also say the drop of water is an integral part of the One body of water we call the ocean. It's interesting that with the amazing and potentially life changing discoveries made as a result of Quantum Physics over the last century, that in many of the public school systems of today, the long outdated theory of Newtonian Physics is still being taught.
Without a basic understanding of Quantum Physics you might think that there are different forms of energy. In a strictly physical kind of way, that's true There's the kind of energy that powers your home, energy that makes you get out of bed in the morning and keeps you going throughout the day, energy that fuels your car, etc.
Although they appear in a physical sense to be varying types of energy at the tangible level, due to the varying structures and vibrational frequencies of the subatomic particles and the varying formations of these same sub-atomic particles which comprise them , when analyzed by Quantum Physicists and broken down into their purest form they too, at their core are all made up of this "One Energy.
So what does all that mean and how does it apply to you, life and what you desire in life? The bottom line is this. Everything that exists, whether nature, sound, colors, oxygen, the wind, thoughts, emotions, the chair your sitting in, your house, your car, your physical body, the stars, your dog, your ability to see, hear, smell, taste, touch, etc.
Now before I reveal and get to the granddaddy discovery of ALL the potential benefits, let's get back to the disagreement between Einstein and Young regarding energy being waves or particles.
If it seems weird to you, it's ONLY because the "perception of weirdness" stems from what we've been taught in traditional education venues.
I'll assure you, that form of education only provides, at best, a very limited world view of a much greater and far more PROFOUND picture of how life unfolds. And because it is so limited nature, it's also WHY so many "believe" that the events, conditions and circumstances that we each experience in life happen in a less than profound kind of way!! Bohr who was the Nobel Prize winner in , who, through his work and study of subatomic structure, added a whole new twist to Einsteins theory regarding energy existing as particles.
Unlike Einstein and Young, Niels Bohr believed In fact Einstein and Bohr debated over this difference of opinion quite often for many years. Based on work Bohr had done, he believed that matter particles could be separately analyzed as having several contradictory properties. As a result, that, and that alone, determines what we experience as individuals in the physical world.
With that being the case why haven't you become aware of it until now? If Quantum Physics has existed and these facts known for that long of a period, why wouldn't you already know about it? Unless you have taken an advanced college course in quantum physics you couldn't know about it. Simply because you have been inundated with many "partial truths" and in many cases, programmed, conditioned and limited by totally false beliefs and understandings of how things "truly work" since you were a child.
In fact as mentioned above, most public education systems today in many parts of the world still teach the long since outdated Newtonian Physics theory in their schools. Think about the implications here for just a minute. If ALL things in existence at their core are comprised of this same vibrating mass of pure energy, regardless if it's waves or particles Take ALL the religious connotations out of it.
This is about "spirituality and quantum physics", NOT man made structured religion, which, in MANY cases, waters down and attempts to debunk the enormity and infinite nature of spirituality and quantum physics. To make it a little easier to grasp, eliminate the "perception" of everything you see as being solid and do your best to see it ALL existing as a continuously vibrating mass of energy. Now if that has you feeling a little doubtful and uncomfortable at this point I fully understand.
But stay with me for a few more paragraphs and it will all begin to make perfect sense. These aren't MY findings or discoveries. It's not something that I've concocted out of thin air. This is PROVEN and well documented science discovered by Nobel Prize laureates and the truth concerning it has been around and taught in spiritual circles for countless thousands of years.
The scientific validation made possible through Quantum Physics Yet the sages, mystics and masters of the past have spoken of what quantum physicists have recently discovered regarding quantum mechanics and taught it for eons, way before the technology existed to prove it in a "tangible" and physical kind of way. In fact as we progress a bit further I think you'll find that it provides some pretty insightful clues that things like the 6th sense, extra sensory perception etc. What's more, for those who are open, willing and make the choice to "seek", will find that we ALL possess the gifts and have the ability to utilize these "esoteric" attributes anytime we choose to do so.
It requires developing them in MOST cases, no doubt. Yet it's for the obvious reasons, which goes back to what we've "learned" to be true, which determines what we are "aware of" and believe.
I still recall being approached with this "We Are One" concept many years ago as a young teen. Upon hearing it at the time, due to a lack of awareness and deeper understanding, stemming from the limited forms of traditional teachings that I had received, and a complete unawareness of Quantum Physics and Quantum Mechanics altogether, I wholeheartedly believed that the person doing the sharing at the time must have had one to many encounters with some really potent hallucinogenic substance.
What I was personally "aware of" and believed prior to these "profound experiences" I mentioned earlier which led to me venturing out beyond religion and traditional forms of education and doing the exploratory work for myself, is that all these things I've shared were airy fairy woo woo nonsense.
Many years and a number of "profound experiences" later, today I KNOW that the limited perceptions I held, were both unfounded and short sighted. As I have long since discovered, that conclusion was made and based only on a lack of awareness on my part as to how things TRULY work. That lack of awareness happened as a result of NOT being taught anything concerning quantum physics, or the far reaching possibilities which spirituality revealed, in either religion or the public schools that I attended.
That combined with not taking the initiative to discover it for myself for many years, led to my obvious oblivion and ignorance. My hope is that by sharing what I discovered during this exploratory time with you, through both Quantum Physics and my exploration of the spiritual aspects of life which I've discovered, that you will develop a deeper awareness based on my research and experiences and as a result not have to go through many of the "growth lessons" that I and so many others have experienced unnecessarily.
It doesn't matter which individual avenue you might choose to study, whether spirituality, quantum physics, the human physiology, the power of the human mind or through the simple observation of nature, ALL avenues will lead you to the very same conclusions. ALL of these seemingly separate means of discover are intricately interconnected I got a bit sidetracked.
I do that when I get excited, so please forgive me. Back on track with Quantum Physics and what quantum physicists have discovered Although Einstein's history making discover was amazing enough in and of itself, it wouldn't be long before another even more amazing discovery was made.
When Einstein first discovered this truth concerning energy, he came to the conclusion that even though all things were made of energy, everything which happened or formed as a result of this energy, did so randomly without any individual interference or participation. In other words he concluded that the events, conditions and circumstances which happened in the universe, happened as a result of some unchangeable and immutable external force.
He believed that things just "were the way they were" and that no one other than God, or whatever you perceive The Source to be, could mold, shape or change them.
Here's where the discoveries made through Quantum Physics get REALLY exciting and if you'll keep an open mind, you'll clearly understand that there does exist a form of power As further scientific research and studies continued, differences of opinion arose among the quantum physicists of that day. One of these differences came from a man we've already mentioned, named Neils Bohr.
Bohr believed that although Einsteins discover was "partially" correct, there was more to what Einstein had discovered which hadn't yet been revealed. Bohr felt that this energy wasn't necessarily particles at all but rather had the potential to take various forms. Prior to this soon to be discovery by Bohr and some other Quantum physicists, it was believed, based on Einsteins discovery that energy existed as particles which when observed "appeared to be" a solid mass although it was only due to the high rate of vibration that subatomic particles create, giving them the "appearance" of solidity.
With Einstein believing that energy was particles, Young's belief that energy was waves and now Bohr's belief that energy could exist as a wave but also as particles, the scientific world remained divided. What was discovered as a result of this research and experimentation is that this energy, these subatomic particles DID consist of waves which behaved and turned into particles.