To install oss4

Removing xulrunner Removing libexchange-storage1. Removing libgnomemm Removing libgnome Removing python-wxversion Removing amarok Removing amarok-xine Removing kdelibs4c2a Removing libarts1c2a Removing python-wxgtk2. Removing libwxgtk2. Removing libesd-alsa Processing triggers for libc Done ubuntustudio-audio is already the newest version.

The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required: libcommons-cli-java libswt3. After this operation, 0B of additional disk space will be used. Setting up timidity 2. Wait a second.. That doesn't seem right. I'm sure glad i didn't include the -y switch. I recall installing oss4 in gutsy without removing anything. Try installing libesd0 and libesd0-dev before removing libesd-alsa0. That way you will not break that many dependencies.

I'm currently trying to get everything back to using alsa. OSS4 isn't completely backwards compatible and Pulse calls some old-and-removed functions, and neither side places priority on fixing. I've the greatest respect for both dev teams for their work, just wish they'd play nice with eachother ossxmix.

I don't see why? Or am I missing it? Not OSS's fault, just wish kmix was more flexible. Likely to improve in KDE4 with Phonon, but 4.

I read a few at the 4front tech site and couldn't really find anything. So far I've uninstalled it, and reinstalled everything that this how to instructed me to remove. This has left me with sound only when the application can use ESD, but direct alsa use still fails it says that it's busy even when nothing is using it. Also, totem doesn't have audio even though it tests fine under gstreamer-properties.

Greetings all, an xubuntu newb here. Just got the OSS package to install, osstest works fine, gives no errors but I still have no sound. Anybody know how to enable that beast, or is that part of the beta support that's not been worked on yet? I am trying to reinstall everything since I am having problems now with OSS. Tried removing the oss-linux package through Synaptic and got the following: E: oss-linux: subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 2.

What would be the normal time-frame for this whole Creative X-fi problems thing to be fixed? I've been trying Ubuntu for 4 weeks and have been waiting for X-fi sound, before making a complete migration from Vista to Ubuntu Hardy. Apparently the OOS4 fix is so buggy it shouldn't be attempted by a newb me. I could downgrade my sound card, but I don't want too. How long do these things take. The X-Fi has been out for years.

Not complaining. Just asking a question. As soon as an update is available for the X-fi or another OSS 4. Installing OSS 4.

Hey, thanks for the guide. Hi, everyone. I just follow Temujin guide and Thanks, man, really great job. Everything seemed to install OK. I have the new mixer icon installed and everything seemed to be where it was supposed to be.

I had the OSS option in my "Sound" menu, etc. I tried to apply the "patch", which failed. And then I tried the "recovering from failed. So now I have no sound of any kind installed. And it all seemed to be going so well! What next? For those using Kubuntu: I installed Kubuntu 8. I'm not quite sure how I managed it, but after running the command below and rebooting, OSS4 was working with kmix. I was wondering about this myself. This time it worked and I have sound.

Sounds great. Thanks Temujin. But, I don't have any system sounds, though. How do I get my system sounds to work with OSS 4? I have only tried to play CD's and they work fine. Haven't really had time to try anything else yet. Thanks, Spot. I'm not sure exactly how to to install it and have it start automatically.

I do know you'll need to fire up Synaptic and make sure libesd0 is installed which should remove libesd-alsa0. To be honest, I haven't spent a whole lot of time on it because I don't want system sounds playing over my music anyway. I prefer to keep my build lightweight and running ESD and all sound through it just doesn't appeal to me. Tell Ubuntu to force OSS output.

The following command will bring up an information message. Press the Tab key and [Enter] to say OK, and you'll be back at the terminal. You have been so helpful. Greatly appreciated. Thanks for this guide, it helped me get my Xfi working. And can I have alsa and oss4 installed at the same time. You can have alsa and OSS4 installed at the same time, but I would not recommend it. Thanks, sounds like a lot of trouble though, but I'll keep that in mind.

So I followed all the steps and everything was good till it got to "Starting Open Sound System" After about 5 seconds my computer completely froze. Then start OSS by running soundon again. So I did that and after running sudo soundon my computer crashed again. Thanks, Ian. I get an error "Invalid Argument- could not connect stream" when I try to load a video. However, VLC works perfectly, with sound, right out of the box. I didn't need to tweak anything. Does it use OSS by default or something?

My bug is not totally imperative that I resolve it, as an alternative media player VLC is avaibile and works fine, but I'd like to get to the bottom of this and maybe even help others solve this issue. I started the new kernel and it said something about relinking modules. It said "oss started OK" and sound still works the same. This happens every time the kernel updates? Done totem-gstreamer is already the newest version.

I installed the. Has anyone else tried with this card, or is it just not supported. I know alsa doesn't support it in 8. Any suggestions anyone? Update solved the problem with system sounds not working on my X-fi. It still doesnt show OSS or esound in the gnome sound program, but at least it works. Hope this helps others. I suggest making a thread on the OpenSound forums. It has a resampling option. Purging a Failed OSS4. Enter oss-linux and it should bring you to a block of text that looks similar to the quote below.

Remove that block, save, and quit. Installation and configuration is higly automated and easy to perform. Converted from a rpm package by alien version 8. Update solved the problem with sound systems not working on my X-fi. Hope this helps others Thanks OpposingForce. It works for me too. Thanks for the advice, I will join that forum. I don't know about your logic on the 48k sampling rate. I get that error on the The card hasn't really been recognized yet But trying to start it causes my system to crash.

I've updated the guide. Please let me know if you have problems with the installation. It plays sound to the headphones just fine, but it refuses to pick up sound from the microphone.

I'm not sure how to resolve this but I get this Reading database Setting up oss-linux v4. The kernel development package may be called kernel-devel, kernel-smp-devel, kernel-sources, kernel-headers or something like that.

For your Linux distribution the right kernel source package might be kernel-source. Under Ubuntu you may need to prepare the kernel environment after downloading the kernel sources using sudo apt-get install linux-headers Reading package lists Done Package linux-headers This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source E: Package linux-headers The latest ubuntu amd64 kernel is 2.

You can retrieve it and the headers with sudo apt-get install linux-generic linux-headers Tried that and it didn't do anything I got this Reading package lists Done linux-generic is already the newest version. Hello, I'm having trouble with instruction number six. This is what I'm getting. Preparing to replace oss-linux v4. Thanks for the guide gents. Unfortunately I couldn't get it to work. Here is the chronology. Some crackling in games. So then I saw a post about the Creative Beta driver and I tried to install that and got about halfway and a bunch of errors.

Then I said "to heck with all this" and tried to go back to OSS ie the only thing that ever came close to working, again using the guide. This time when I got to the part about putting in the OSS package thing I got a bunch of errors that looks to my layman's eye as being a conflicting driver.

So gents, how do I get past this? I can't seem to uninstall the darn Creative Beta driver, at least not in the thin explanation they give you as to how to do that. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Any sound is better than silence. Sorry folks, I had a few typos on the blacklisting command. Does anyone have an answer to my post which is number ? Michael Yes, read post Ok I replaced the spelling mistake on the blacklist command and I get this. I'm sorry, again to emphasize I'm new to Linux.

This command has failed twice on me as well: 1. I just copied content of "noALSA. I updated the guide yesterday and fixed the command. You're welcome. Temujjin: I tried that right off, but it didn't do anything. I used it with your "blacklist" code. OSS has been working great on my laptop. Does things ALSA cannot. The only problem is suspend. After I suspend and resume, everything audio related vids, flash vids, songs etc starts to lag and eventually stops after secs.

I need to manually soundoff and soundon after closing any process that is using OSS, including Firefox, which can be a drag to make things normal again. Is there a better way to do this? Edit: Same thing with resuming from hibernate Heres what dmesg fills in with whenever I play for example a video keeps repeating [ I know it sounds stupid but I cannot get this blacklist thing to work. Here is what I get.

And to make things worse I did the "recover from failed OSS installation thing and tried it again. Here are the errors I got this time. Can someone please look at this and let me know how I can clean up this horror show? For those using the latest code via Mercurial: Is anyone else having problems with ossxmix not displaying the rate lock checkbox or the rate menu?

A few notes: Zsnes in Hardy. Oh, zsnes still runs, but without sound. However, the following command worked for me: zsnes -ad 'sdl' The sound seemed slightly sluggish, but it did work. Edit: Above comment refers to zsnes from Ubuntu repositories. I assume that zsnes downloaded from the official website and recompiled from source does not have restrictions that block out support for oss and esd. Other problems. If you can't get the blacklist command to work, do what I did: look at the intent of the command and do it yourself.

Do an 'ls' command to see the real filename. Open up that file, copy everything in there. Suggestion: Add a comment prior to pasting so, if you want to back out your changes, you can.

Finally -- I tried OSS. I really did. To me, sounds sounded crisper than with ALSA. I was ready to keep using OSS. Then things started fighting me. Now, there are adaptors so that oss-only programs can be run through ALSA, but the opposite does not exist yet.

One is in development, but may be scratched. And since OSS had been marked deprecated for so long, there are several programs that really believed it to be dead and gone. Meaning: no support for these programs under an OSS-only system. Not good. Then Audacity went flaky. It kept working even after a few restarts, then finally started failing.

Turns out OSS does not always restore everything correctly after a restart. The user must continue to check after each restart that OSS actually started. Well, that kinda sucks. That's when I found this. If need be, switch to the ubuntu-studio kernel for lower latency.

But OSS still is not the best solution for general use. In order to change back to ALSA -- undo what you did. Reinstall ubuntu-desktop. Keep alsa-oss and oss-compat esd would not be so bad since it can work with ALSA. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group.

Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. No soundcard detected after reinstalling audio drivers Ask Question. Asked 7 years, 3 months ago. Active 5 years, 11 months ago.

Viewed 2k times. Improve this question. Luka Kotar Luka Kotar 3 3 silver badges 17 17 bronze badges. You probably need to reinstall the kernel. Yes, as Alsa drivers now comes with the linux kernel , you can first try to run a normal software update: it will hopefully works, except if your are already at last kernel version.

Reinstalling the kernel didn't help either — Luka Kotar. Add a comment. Code: Select all Jack output settings. I just tried to install oss4 on my Debian Squeeze kernel Module build for the currently running kernel was skipped since the kernel source for this kernel does not seem to be installed. Unloading Open Sound System kernel modules: done. Starting Open Sound System: done. I then ran Aptitude install linux-source I got the same results.

If I try to configure oss4 it wants to remove all of the board sound drivers as being unused. No sound GaryR. Next time someone says 'Go to hell' to me, I come right here.

Do you need bad help? I also loaded the header file in the process of trouble shooting. It didn't work either. Gary R. OSS4 can be installed easily in Squeeze with the default kernel from Debian's main repository as posted in the linked topic. The prebuilt trial deb package from here licensed under the 4Front Commercial License with a limited one-year license key works fine but the option of using the source code from the Mercurial repository seems inadvisable according to this note : Please note that this Mercurial hg repository should only be used by developers who would like to contribute to OSS.

The OSS version contained in it is usually in the middle of intensive hacking and potentially dangerous. Please help. I am desperate. Sound from the headphones just stops after a playing a couple of minutes of music. No sound from the speakers as yet. Such a mess makes no sense. But I realize it is also unnecessarily complex and can be cryptic to configure. Linux audio folks could have just forked OSS and develop it onwards.

Instead they decided to build abstraction layer above another and thus we are in the mess we are. Sound should just work. Just a short note: in essence, this method also works for Quantal Quetzal Your email address will not be published.

Skip to content General Howto Install OSS4 in ubuntu Sponsored Link. Mike says:. August 27, at am. August 27, at pm. August 28, at pm. Manolo says:. September 2, at pm. September 3, at pm. September 5, at pm.


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