Quantitative modeling for the interactive simulation of software projects

The model especially emphasises the effects of quality assurance activities. Finally, simulation results obtained by executing the QA model are presented and discussed. Introduction Over the last twenty-five years, software development projects have increasingly been plagued by schedule and cost overruns, while product quality is often Documents: Advanced Search Include Citations.

Authors: Advanced Search Include Citations. Software Process Improvement and Practice 5: — Forrester JW Industrial Dynamics. Productivity Press, Cambridge. In: Forrester JW et al. In: Proceedings of Annual Simulation Symposium , pp — II—Software Track , pp — Kuipers B Qualitative Simulation.

Artificial Intelligence 29 3 : — Journal of the Operational Research Society — Software Quality Journal 59— Annals of Software Engineering 3: — Journal of Systems and Software 38 3 : — The Journal of Systems and Software — IEEE Trans.

Knowledge Data Engineering 2 3 : — Software Quality Journal 13 4 : — Virtual Microscope Has full range of rock types native to Earth and beyond. Mineral 1. Virtual Field Trip Guides University of Texas collection of virtual field trips, organized by region. Business and Finance AnyLogic General-purpose multimethod simulation modeling software. Standalone software. Political science People Power Game about politics, strategy, and social change. The ReDistricting Game Game to educate, engage, and empower citizens around the issue of political redistricting.

Biology General biology Anatomy and physiology Biotechnology Epidemiology. Virtual dissection Virtual microscopes Molecular biology and genetics. BioMan Biology Learning games, review games, virtual labs and quizzes to learn about cells, ecology, genetics, physiology, and more!

Quant Bio Online hub Modules created by CUBES partners designed to teach quantitative skills in a variety of biological contexts and will work well in an online setting with minimal adaptation. HHMI BioInteractive Data-rich activities, case studies, high-quality videos, and interactive media designed to connect students to big ideas in biology, promote engagement with science practices, and instill awe and wonder about the living world. Biology Simulations Simulations to help students to learn about biology and practice data analysis skills through experimentation.

Anatomy and physiology eSkeletons Interactive environment in which to examine and learn about skeletal anatomy through osteology database at University of Texas at Austin. Biotechnology Foundational concepts and techniques in Biotechnology LabXchange cluster includes simulations, assignments, video, and more!

Bacterial Identification Virtual Lab This interactive, modular lab explores the techniques used to identify different types of bacteria based on their DNA sequences. Epidemiology ActivEpi Web Electronic textbook for teaching epidemiology that includes interactive quizzes, exercises, and video.

Virtual Fetal Pig Dissection Whitman College virtual dissection to explore introductory mammalian anatomy and physiology. The Whole Frog Project Explore the anatomy of a frog by using data from high resolution MRI imaging and from mechanical sectioning, together with 3D surface and volume rendering software to visualize the anatomical structures of the intact animal. Contains links to non-free resources. Virtual microscopes.

Molecular Expressions Virtual Microscopy interactive Java-powered virtual microscopes explore specimen focus, illumination intensity, magnification, and translation, operating essentially in a manner that is identical to real-life microscopes. Molecular biology and genetics. Evolved: Cases for Education Evolution Case studies that track the evolution of traits from their origination in DNA mutation, to the production of different proteins, to the fixation of alternate macroscopic phenotypes in reproductively isolated populations.

Simulates mating experiments between organisms that are genetically different across a range of traits to analyze the nature of the traits in question. Its goal is to teach students about genetic experimental design and genetic concepts.

Gelbox Simulation tool to help the user understand how changing experimental input parameters can affect the data output from gel electrophoresis. Gel Scramble Gel Scramble is an instructional tool for teaching molecular neurobiology that requires only a computer. Case It! Molecular Biology Simulations for Case-Based Learning in Biology Performs common laboratory procedures on any DNA or protein sequence, and can be downloaded free of charge for educational use.


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