New darkstalkers game petition

Sakura joined the roster of Rival schools because Capcom wanted Street. Articles , Comics , Video Games. She is now the most relevant character from the franchise.

However, She just debuted her Street Fighter V trailer. It is. You must be logged in to post a comment. October 9, Share on Facebook Share. It's not to say that characters from the morbid fighter don't still pop up with some regularity in modern times as Morrigan Aensland and Felicia both often make guest appearances in other Capcom ventures such as Teppen, Marvel vs.

Capcom, and even as alternate costume inspirations for Street Fighter 5. Outside of Ono's occasional remarks, we haven't heard much from Capcom in the way of actually bringing the teaser we saw a decade ago to any kind of fruition. Hope for this to happen has never been all that high, but Ono's departure a year back was yet another nail in the coffin for many.

The fact that Ono brought the topic up again this year is interesting, especially as he includes a bit of a nudge for Capcom in his statement, saying in what sounds like something of a matter of fact tone, "I'm looking forward to the day when one of my juniors or former subordinates can make it happen. We're surely not alone when we say we'd be overjoyed to see a modern Darkstalkers announced, but will continue not to hold our breath for the seemingly unlikely happening.

For those of you interested in hearing more about the history of DS as well as Ono's attempts to get it going again, be sure to check out our EventHubs Podcast episode wherein we discuss these matters.

When it was clear that he'd need more support from outside of Capcom, Ono made some interesting moves via journalists and trying to rally fans to make their collective voice unignorable to the higher ups at his former place of employment.

Build 1 Answer. Ask A Question. Browse More Questions. Keep me logged in on this device. Forgot your username or password? Joshelplex 10 years ago 3 Just an FYI, nobody actually pays attention to online petitions because they're lazy. RahmtheMinotaur 10 years ago 4 I'll sign it after the Legend of Dragoon 2 online petition I signed years back actually effects something.

Venshen 10 years ago 6 not until another rival school is made DeidaraHmm 10 years ago 8 Sure I'll sign it, I love Darkstalkers, and have been hoping for a new one for quite some time, unfortunately though Capcom's official stance on why they won't make a new one is because "it's not Street Fighter" If they do make another one I hope they have Ruby Heart, and Amingo in it since they were originally designed as characters for Darkstalkers.

JBougazelli 10 years ago 9 From what I've read I don't know if its true, but the reason they added 3 characters from darkstalkers in MVC3 was to test players and see how well they played out and possibly make a new darkstalkers game Frank West, he's covered wars you know?

Joshelplex 10 years ago 10 If you want Capcom to actually pay attention to you, make na actual petition. How do you do a team aerial counter? How do I perform a Snapback Attack? Morrigan Aensland, far and away DS' most popular figure, seems to make as many if not more guest appearances as Ryu or Akuma. Alas, Morrigan still hasn't had the luxury of appearing in a new title from her home IP in six years, and if we're not counting re-releases of old DS games then it's actually been 21 years.

Darkstalkers stays relevant and near the forefront of many fighting game players' minds thanks to these near constant references, so why all the hesitation to make a new one? Yoshinori Ono has been asked about this many times while discussing other titles, and has shown a certain enthusiasm for re-reviving the IP, but this has yet to come to fruition and Ono is now on his way out of the company.

McMuscles goes back through the last few decades to note the progression, sudden stop, and hints for the DS franchise. In short, it seems as though Capcom may have used the wrong barometers to see if such a project would be justified.

While they have re-released Darkstalkers a few times on later generation consoles, complete with a handful of new bells and whistles, but ultimately the same games sales numbers from these endeavors ultimately did not warrant further development. McMuscles argues that this was too much of an apples to oranges comparison, but we'll let him do the rest of the talking via the embedded video below.


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