Lyrical and unsettling, George Lamming's autobiographical coming-of-age novel is a story of tragic innocence amid the collapse of colonial rule. SuperSummary, a modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, offers high-quality study guides for challenging works of literature.
This page guide for "In The Castle Of My Skin" by George Lamming includes detailed chapter summaries and analysis covering 14 chapters, as well as several more in-depth sections of expert-written literary analysis. Featured content includes commentary on major characters, 25 important quotes, essay topics, and key themes like The Village as Central Character and Identity Politics.
Despite the range and abundance of autobiographical writing from the Anglophone Caribbean, this book is the first to explore this literature fully. It covers works from the colonial era up to present-day AIDS memoirs and assesses the links between more familiar works by George Lamming, C. James, Derek Walcott, V. Sandra Pouchet Paquet charts the intersection of multiple, contradictory viewpoints of the colonial and postcolonial Caribbean, differing concepts of community and levels of social integration, and a persistent pattern of both resistance and accommodation within island states that were largely shaped by British colonial practice from the mid-seventeenth through the mid-twentieth century.
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Log In Sign Up. Download Free PDF. Marlene Aponte. In the Castle of My Skin , the first novel by Barbadian writer George Lamming , tells the story of the mundane events in a young boy's life that take place amid dramatic changes in the village and society in which he lives.
The novel's primary concerns are larger than the experience of G. Through his eyes, we see the effects of race, feudalism, capitalism, education, the labor movement, violent riots, and emigration on his small town and, by extension, on Caribbean society as a whole. In later books, Lamming continued to examine the Caribbean experience, as his protagonists migrated to London and the United States , returned to their homes in the Caribbean, and helped their home countries obtain independence.
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Get this from a library! In the castle of my skin Publisher unknown. Places Caribbean Area. Edition Notes Originally published: London : Joseph, Series Longman drumbeat. The Physical Object Pagination p. Community Reviews 0 Feedback? Loading Related Books. August 16, August 23, Edited by ImportBot. August 19, Edited by IdentifierBot. April 16, Edited by bgimpertBot. November 7, Created by ImportBot.