Cheats for dogz pc game

Make sure you are able to see you backround on your desktop. Drag the Nursery out onto your desktop. Open up Dogz 3 and take out a pregnant or already a mother dog. She will be able to come out anywhere. You can even take out the father or another mom. But the cath is is that you have to close the game so they will be gone. We have no cheats or codes for Dogz 3 yet.

If you have any unlockables please submit them. We have no unlockables for Dogz 3 yet. We have no easter eggs for Dogz 3 yet. We have no glitches for Dogz 3 yet. Created by: CHAZ Well don't buy them on every dog profile, just buy them on one profile, then simply try and remember them and used them on your other dogs!

If you can't remember them then you could always just write them down on a peace of paper! Dogs that really look like their paint color: If you paint the Labrador with the Dalmation paint it actually looks really like a Dalmation, where as if you paint for example the Pug Dalmation, it looks nothing like one. The same applies for the Timber Wolf and the Border Collie, it turns out to look just like a wolf!

Breeding: Place two dogs of opposite gender, and preferably the same breed, in the wardrobe room. Take out lots of love heart pillows and love spray and scatter them across the floor. Then, put a melody player on the chair and play a sweet song.

Let the dogs play in the hearts, and the spray will automatically activate on them. Note: Love biscuits can also help. If you want Petz to fall in love: A boy and girl dog or cat, both adults no cross-breeding dogz and catz And that's the minimum that you need.

Hints: If you DO NOT wish for your pet to become sick dress him in tartan before taking him into the snow scene. First, you must have an adault female. Got to the adoption center and adopt a male of the same breed. Now, when you press "adopt now" you should go to the family room. Get out the older female.

Now, I just want to tell you, the way i discovered this was with two of my own dogz. Jenna, my most loved dog, daughter of Jazmine, my tied most loved dog, anyway, i got her out to teach my just adopted Lucky and to my surpise, when i put Lucky away, Jenna started wimpering, like dogz do when the dog they love is put away, but as soon as i took Lucky back out, she was fine again.

Now this is how this most amusing accident happenned. I was watching my dogz play when jenna jumped and knocked the love potion on the fireplace. The love potion was knocked off the fireplace, sprying both Lucky and Jenna. They fell in love, even though Lucky was a puppy and just adopted. I couldn't bare to keep them apart because they were never happy without eachother. Now Lucky has grown up, they have two Labradore pups, Isaboe and Nuada. Jenna became pregnet in yhe first five minutes of Lucky being a adult.

To set this up for your own dogz, you must follow the following. Job Done. If this shows up anywhere else and is not by me then the person who wrote it is a copy cat! Getting Dogz to fall in love: Have an adult female.

Got to the adoption center. Adopt a male of the same breed. You will go to the family room after selecting "Adopt Now". Have the satin heart cushions, turn on the fireplace, and have the love potion in the old fashioned bottle on the fireplace. Note: Do not have any toys, treats, or music boxes out. Spray both pets with the love potion. The pup will sneeze and the female will look surprised. Pat them once and they will gaze at each other lovingly. Note: Do not do anything to distract them after patting them once.


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