Save extra with 2 Offers. Banking Regulation Act Contents 1. Short title, extent and commencement. Business of banking companies 3. Control over management 4. Prohibition of certain activities in relation to banking companies 5.
Acquisition of the undertakings of banking companies in certain cases 6. Suspension of business and winding up of banking companies 7. Special provisions for speedy disposal of winding up proceedings 8. The minimum maturity period in respect of external commercial borrowing ECB should be 3 years or 5 years, according to the amount. Banking Regulation Act, MCQ Question 2: Repayment capacity in case of term loan proposals is judged by the banks with which of the following ratios?
Debt equity ratio Internal rate of return Net present value Break even analysis Debt service coverage ratio. The viability should be determined by the banks based on the acceptable viability benchmarks determined by them, which may be applied on a case-by-case basis, depending on merits of each case.
Illustratively, the parameters may include the Return on Capital Employed, Debt Service Coverage Ratio, Gap between the Internal Rate of Return and Cost of Funds and the amount of provision required in lieu of the diminution in the fair value of the restructured advance. Section 21A: Rates of interest charged by banking companies. Section 22 1 : Licensing of banking companies. Section Restrictions on opening of new, and transfer of existing, places of business. Section Accounts and balance-sheet.
Section 36 AE : Power of Central Government to acquire undertakings of banking companies in certain cases.
Section 44A: Procedure for amalgamation of banking companies. Section 47A: Power of Reserve Bank to impose penalty. Section 49A: Restriction on acceptance of deposits withdraw able by cheque.
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