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Movies Preview. It appears your browser does not have it turned on. Bono and Adam Clayton were both part of the group of musicians that made up Band Aid, and both feature on the recording of this song. The single would be released only a few days later on radio and would go on to be a number one single throughout Europe that Christmas. All proceeds from the song were promised to charity and Geldof had a stand off with the British government over the collection of the VAT tax on the single.
Eventually the goverment agreed that even the tax made from the purchase of the single would be donated. One song was recorded by the assembled musicians. A video was put together using clips of the musicians singing their lines in studio intermixed with footage of the artists arriving outside the studio.
A performance of the song was also put together for the Top of the Pops TV program, featuring the artists miming their lines. Bono joined the others on stage, and once again sang his usual line. Finally, a making of video of the original recording was released on VHS by Polygram video. It featured the official video, as well as footage from the 24 hour recording sessions.