Note: The list is in order of in-game events. Arrival KNNN - Arrival KFBN - Arrival HPBC - Jail XACN - Jail KNTC - Jail CKKB - City KNAG - City XBBT - City BGAF - Caves RTNA - Caves FXKC - Caves RABH - Caves ARFA - Caves FRPX - Caves AKFN - City 2 GKHH - City 2 PPCP - City 2 - 18 to 20 are different stages of the same part XTRP - City 2 TCGN - City 2 NRPB - Palais THTK - Palais CATK - Arena KFCA - Baths - Final stage.
Another World Select the "Continue" option at the main menu, enter the "Access Code" Screen then enter one of the following codes to begin game play at the level.
Another World. Another War. Anno - The Sunken Dragon. Anno Code Result BonanzaCreek - A prompt will appear at the bottom left corner of the screen. Type and press [Enter] at the prompt. Then, press A then press [Enter] to enable cheat mode. Then press Enter and A. Each time you press A, you will get 5 tons of the number. If you want another item, just type in another number and press enter and A. Code Result Use a text editor to edit the "game. Locate the line "Volume: , 0, -5??
Note: The "" value may vary from game to game. Free items: When you buy something and your income is red or low, save the game. Load it again and you will have your money back. Hints: Free traders will bring you tools, which are necessary for early growth, so set your warehouse to buy tools when the game starts. You can save valuable farmland by relying almost entirely on fishing huts to feed your people; build lots of them and make sure you can spare the carts to transport building materials.
You can crank your tax rate up to the maximum as long as you keep your citizens supplied with the luxuries they want. There you find the file: BGruppen. Open this file with any text editor. Look now in the file after the section for the consumer goods. Now you can change the prices for these goods freely as desired.
It plays thereby no role, how highly you screw the price, your village inhabitants it will pay and you to a positive balance will thus help. Easy money: Use a text editor to edit the "bgruppen. Look for the following entries in the file Obviously, other prices can be changed "Salz" is salt, etc. Do not mark up something that you plan on importing. We're doing our best to find cheats for this game.
At this moment we don't have Cheats, Hints or Tricks for this game. If you have Cheats, Hints or Tricks for this video game console, then feel free to submit them. You can also try our Forums, where you can post your questions or share secrets that you have found with other gamers. Exploring a strange and fascinating island world in the utmost East, players will get to know the culture and technology of the ancient Orient while learning the tricks of local trade, diplomacy and economy in order to build their own metropolis.
New customizable elements, dozens of embellishing objects and bigger islands and worlds will provide players with endless opportunities to express their creative vision, making all metropolises look truly unique. A new intuitive interface, as well as a motivating, fully modifiable sandbox mode will make it easy and enjoyable for everyone to play. Anito - Defend a Land Enraged. Use a text editor to edit the "global.
The Chakra skills are defined as one of the following variable names, followed by a number from "0" to "4". Increase any number up to "4" to get the corresponding Chakra skill.
Well most of the files in the savegame directory are editable however, it is too complicated to understand like the global. However, you can try the item duplicating technique that I discovered to do this do the following: Search a place where you can put the things that you want to duplicate. Example is at cabinet at the inn of villacredo or wherever you want to place it. Then take it back to your inventory and save your game into another slot. Now go to the savegame directory and find your save number [hint: every save number has its own description.
When you found the savegame directory that have the items where you put it, copy all files and directories in it and paste it to the savegame where you take back all items to your inventory.
This technique is exactly similar to the Fallout 2 duplication technique. Still har to understand? Animorphs - Know the Secret. Basic 2: Press [Action-2] three times in a row. Basic 3: Press [Right] three times in a row. Combo 1: Press [Up] three times in a row. Must have candy bars. Winning battles: Instead of trying to do combos, just hit one of the number keys on the top row of the keyboard. This is an extremely powerful attack that can kill Visser Three with just three of them.
Animator vs. Animation Secrets Animator vs. Animation Unlocking the laser gun: This can be done by scoring points with the animator using normal tools. Use the laser gun: This is a little tricky to use, but once you get the hang of it you will get an absolute ton of points.
The lowest I have ever seen for the laser gun is points and the highest I have seen is Secrets: This game has two unlockable secrets: -Secret 1: See all the moves the Animation can perform. Unlock by getting points on Animation.
This must be done on Full Screen mode. Animaniacs Game Pack. If done correctly you will reappear on the other side of the screen and catch your own smooch. The invincibility will only last a short amount of time. Funny Animations: In Tee-Off, move the cursor off-screen and charge to full power. Play Tee-Off: Press any letter at the main menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Animamundi - Dark Alchemist.
Submit your codes! Having Animamundi Dark Alchemist codes we dont have yet? Submit them through our form. Animal Paradise. Tags: Animal Paradise Game Cheats, Animal Paradise Hints, Animal Paradise Secrets Animal Paradise this is a hex cheat: Submitted by:Arib Malik go to location where the game is installed go to the data open a file with note pad there would be the name of animal you can can change the name and the animal price suppose if you want to changeif the price change it change it to 0 now you can buy any animal free.
Anika's Odyssey - Land of the Taniwha. Tags: Anikas Odyssey Land of the Taniwha Game Cheats, Anikas Odyssey Land of the Taniwha Hints, Anikas Odyssey Land of the Taniwha Secrets Anika's Odyssey - Land of the Taniwha Hints: -Click the bucket, then the pump -Once the eagle kidnaps your stuffed rabbit, click the bucket three times to pick it up, set it upright, and use it to jump over the electric fence -The only thing clickable now is the tree with the gaping hole.
Click that -Click the log that makes somewhat of a bridge -When the creatures flip you around to the beginning of the bridge, click the tree with the hole again -Look inside it, and the red creature will do the same. Knock him in when he's clickable.
PSYCHE -Now you can cross the log bridge by clicking on that -Click the first floating log, then click the bluish thing some bog monster -After he hits his head, go back to find some colored vines -Click on the red moss to see what color the chameleon is. Pull the vine that is similar to his color three times he'll switch at every pull, so check back , and he'll pop down -Click on the first log again, then the chameleon's tongue -Traverse onto the next rock, then the beachy area -Climb up the roots and pick the berries from the berry bush the one with red spots -Climb down, then walk to the rock on the far-down end.
Click on Anika to drop the berries. She'll haul her own butt up the pole herself when the time comes -Climb up the two convenient staircases -Pull the right lever, click on the malfunctioning gears, and repeat until the power meter on the left is full so that the bridge falls -Click the cart to push it onto the bridge -Walk back to the machine, pull the right lever one more time to reveal a convenient ramp and staircase -Walk down the ramp, then up the trail -When the mountain goat appears, walk back down and guide her into the cave -Pull the wooden hatch to send down a boulder that takes the goat with it -Back down the cave and back up the pass.
No obstacles this time -Swank. Also the PS3 version runs at poo-poo P So very happy to see this come to PC.
I would think you can remap the controls on the PC version. If anybody knows for sure one way or the other I'd like to know. I almost bought it for the but read about a sound bug that most people get requiring you to restart the whole system to fix.
Apparently on the PC version you can only play the online co-op 13 separate co-op missions through the yuplay servers which kinda sucks. The king of chopper sims.
Lock-up targets the real way, via the mfd's. Air Assault is poor in comparrison. You got Stinger air-to-air missiles. You got 70mm rockets two different types. And, of course, you have the 30mm chain gun as well. But here there is a difference - you also get another version of the Hellfire; this one being radar guided, fire and forget, with a range of about seven miles.
I don't know what it's like in reality, but it's pretty bloody effective here, I'll tell you. Of course, lighting the bad guys up with radar like a Christmas tree does tend to let them know you're around and that can be more than a little bad for your health, but as missiles go this is certainly a pretty damned handy sucker to have around.
There are three fundamental types of single-player game here: single mission, instant action and campaign. The instant action missions axe arcade-style shoot 'em ups with no tactics other than staying alive. You have infinite weapons and get a score for everything you kill. This is the least challenging part of the game, but is still quite good for a cheap thrill. Single missions offer a bit more of a challenge, but the real core of this simulator, like Tornado before it, is in the campaigns.
Here, the difficulty of each mission is directly affected by your performance on earlier flights. If you failed to take out the mobile SAMs three missions ago, they'll be there to hassle you now.
Similarly, if you do really well on an early flight, you'll have a sudden lack of opposition later on during the campaign. You have the facility to change as much of your pre-generated mission plans as you wish - change weapon loads, move waypoints, anything, in fact, other than changing the mission objective or enemy activity.
You may think that this means the mission planner from hell is lurking inside your pc. Well, you're at least partly wrong. It isn't exactly intuitive, but once you get used to it it's Okay. The really good news is that you don't have to do this at all; you can just accept the default weapon load and follow the pre-set way-points, do the target and return.
It's really up to you. You will be flying with any number of friendly helos of almost any type, and it really is worth reading up on the theatre notes to make sure you don't take the simulation too far and start icing your own troops as well in the heat of the moment.
As far as your fellow aviators go, by the way, don't expect too much from them in the way of brains. They won't deviate a hundred yards to trash that aaa site, waiting for you to come limping back. In fact, they won't engage anything other than the designated target unless it fires at them.
Let's be honest - Apache Longbow is not going to compete with Comanche or Ka50 Hokum on the graphics front. But then, neither of those games can compete on Apache's realism, so it isn't that one sided. The graphics are aT right in a slightly dated sort of way. That's not to say they're no good, simply that they are slightly old hat. Everything is quite clear and crisp, and the light sourcing seems to be pretty good. But shadows are distinctly weak, and the whole picture seems a bit too angular for reality.
Having said that, you can get as close to an object as you wish, and there is no sign of it becoming even a little bit blocky and distorted, so maybe there is some sense here.
And the sounds give you bags of atmosphere as well. As a counter to the less than perfect graphics, control is wonderful. There is no other way to describe it. This is reallj very good indeed. All the systems seem to function just like the real thing, and weapons have their limitations, again just like in reality although the guys from McDonnell Douglas will try to tell you different. Your gunner says useful things except in some network games, which I'll come to later , and even air traffic control seems accurate.
By the way, if you're cleared to land, have a good look around before going in. There is nothing more frustrating than completing a tough mission only to crash and burn back at base when you go for the same spot as another chopper. Rotor to head - checkmate. Now, the Apache is a two seater, and as a single player, that means it's the nightmare interface from hell - like Tornado and Fleet Defender, right?
Well, no, actually. A gunship helicopter can be flown and fought from both positions. Okay, so the gunner gets all the fancy aiming equipment and the pilot gets all the decent navigation gear, but basically you can work from either cockpit and still stay alive. D1 has cheated a little in single-player mode and made some systems accessible from the pilot's seat, which should really be the sole domain of the gunner, but I certainly ain't going to complain.
Digital Integration - Shock, Horror, Probe - actually seem to have listened to its customers. One of the big gripes about Tornado was that, frankly, its multi-player facilities were pretty shite.
All you could do was go head to head against another Tornado using a serial link - dog slow and about as exciting as watching concrete set.
Apache Longbow certainly addresses that and then some. But best of all are the co-operative modes. Yes, I know it's dull if you're like Macca and feel that the only good network player is a dead network player, but the whole thing works so much better if you have a wingman who actually thinks like a human. Although it is true that the aircraft can be flown and fought from either seat, having two of you in the same cab makes for a more realistic and intense experience. What it means is that one can concentrate on avoiding the ground while the other deals with the nitty gritty of servicing the target.
Now, sadly, DI has elected not to offer the chance of an eight-ship, player network game, as it only supports this in two-player mode right now. But here's hoping. This is probably the best helicopter sim that will come on the market for a long time. It is the rotary equivalent of Flight Unlimited, and that is praise indeed. There are things on the market which look far better - Comanche for example -but nothing can match the mixture of spot on handling, tactics, networking, atmosphere and just all round goodness.
This is really bloody good, but the emphasis is on simulation. If you're after an arcadey action game with a helicopter in it, this is not for you. Even in arcade mode, the flight model is still the canine's cluster, and the systems still work like the real thing. But if you have the slightest interest in helicopters and want to get an insight into what goes on inside the twisted mind of a combat chopper pilot, buy this.
In fact, buy two, a couple of NE cards and some thin wire and get networked with your mate.